Local Resources

Short Term Loan Program

Apply for this program if you need help with car repairs, veterinary bills, home repairs, or other emergency needs.

For alternate help with rental assistance, visit: www.wisconsinruralhousing.org.

Available Weatherization Services through NCCAP

If you are in need of weatherization services and you are in the following counties: Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, Wood, Marathon, and Lincoln counties, please click this link to contact NCCAP: http://www.northcentralcap.org/weatherization/

Employers, Job Seekers and Labor Market Exploration

Your one stop home page for jobs, training, and information related to various industries.


The purpose of Healthfirst is to improve the reproductive and nutritional health within our communities.

Looking for work?
Looking for workers?

Finding Employment Opportunities and Business Solutions.

About Internet & Phone Assistance

Cell Phone & Internet Bill Assistance, More Affordable Options

Deaf Unity

Services for Deaf Survivors in Wisconsin. Advocates are available Monday through Friday from
9a to 5p.